• Quick Guide to Breast Massage


    Can breast massage be used to increase your bust size?

    This is a commonly asked and debated question for anyone who follows natural breast enhancement techniques. We thought it would be interesting to look at the possibility since many of us already have a routine for breast care in place.

    The short answer is yes and no. Although massage alone is not an effective method of dramatically increasing bust size, it can be combined with other safe and natural techniques to enhance the appearance of your breasts. If you are curious about how natural breast enhancement products can be the extra little push for getting a larger bust size, click here.

    Benefits of Breast Massage

    If you’ve read the reviews and seen the testimonials, you know by now that natural breast enhancement works. But why stop there? Just take a look at some the benefits of breast massage and you’ll see that many of them compliment an enlargement cream or supplement. Here are some of the ways we know breast massage can help.

    Increased circulation

    Estrogen is a hormone that is present at significantly higher levels in women of reproductive age. They promote the development of female secondary sexual characteristics such as breasts. Estrogen travels through the bloodstream. Massage can increase blood flow, which would allow more estrogen to reach the breast and stimulate growth.

    Enhanced firmness and shape

    This one is great if you are using a breast enlargement cream. These creams are packed with a ton of vitamins and natural ingredients that restore elasticity to your skin. Just work in some massage techniques to your daily cream application process. We’ve reviewed some excellent breast enhancement systems that include both daily supplements and topical creams.


    Stimulate prolactin secretion

    Prolactin, a hormone best known for its role in enabling female milk production, levels can rise after exercise, high protein meals, sexual intercourse and massage and stimulation of breast tissue.

    Alleviate symptoms of PMS and breast soreness

    Massage is a great way to temporarily relieve your symtoms. During the times when soreness, swelling, headache, fatigue, tension and anxiety are all at their worst, what better way to relax and promote health than a hot shower and gentle massage.

    Promote healthy breasts and breast cancer prevention

    By moving the lymph, research has shown that regular massage can help prevent and detect breast cancer. Detection is one of the most effective ways to prevent serious consequences of breast cancer. Breast massage can do this by improving the immune system and moving lymph fluids through lymph nodes under the arms.

    Breast Massage Techniques that Encourage Natural Growth

    Now that you know how breast massage can benefit you, learn some basic massage techniques. To get the best results and benefits of breast massage, put aside some time in your daily routine. Try the following three motions to get started:

    1. Use a pumping movement where you move the breast using light pressure starting from near your armpit and then allow your breast to return back to the natural position.
    2. Take your breast into you hand and use a gentle lifting motion then allow your breast to return back to the natural position.
    3. Use one hand to stabilize your breast from underneath and then use the palm of your other hand to gently massage, in a circular motion, the upper center portion of your breast.

    Repeat each motion of each different massage 10-20 times on each breast.

    Massage Oils and Creams for Breast Growth

    The general rule of thumb is that anything you feel comfortable using on your skin you can use while performing breast massage. Many people use various oils such as: borage, primrose, coconut, sweet almond and even olive oil. Oils are good for providing comfortable and soothing lubrication between your hands and your skin and even aromatherapy if that’s what you are looking for, however, they can also block pores and make it hard for your skin to breathe.

    Another commonly used product for massage would be Aloe Vera gel. Aloe Vera can be very soothing and beneficial to your skin; however, it can end up being sticky and uncomfortable during massage.

    If you are interested in massage as a natural growth technique, you would get the most out of it by combining massage with a topical enhancement product. These products are specifically designed to be comfortable for use during massage while at the same time supplying vitamins and nutrients to your skin and tissue.

    Massage can help with breast firmness and promote breast health. To achieve changes in your appearance, massage is usually coupled with a more complete regimen which could include dietary supplements and enhancement creams. Read more about it at our homepage.


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